A brief history of Clinic
The clinic officially Opened April 5TH 2018
A very simple 4 small room clinic to serve the rural community of Solai seeing upto 10.people a day was our target .Everything was coming along nicely in the clinic meeting / exceeding our daily targets of patients as Mary was well known for her great work in the community with people of additional needs prior to opening our clinic.
Then just over 4 weeks later the Solai Dam disaster struck throwing our clinic into National and International news for the brave efforts of Mary / staff and neighbours using the clinic as the immediate base to bring those who were in trouble from being submerged in the flood waters to be saved / cared for ..
Thankfully we had no loss of life in the clinic that night which saw over 100 people being treated in a 4 small rooms all under candle light and torch as the power also was out ..
Sadly tho officially 48 people were declared dead in this disaster but in reality it was more as lot of people were undocumented.(More Info on Dam Disaster posted separately)
Moving forward to today
Where Our New Upgrade Clinic which we hope to open shortly
Which has had a lot of medical equipment from Ireland over 70% of the items have been donated by Bons Secours Cork who have always been very supportive to us..
The New Le Cheile Africa Health Centre will bring quality health to Rural Africa Kenya
Physiotherapy room. . Gym
Doctor consultation rooms x2 ,
Laboratory (with new state of the art equipment increasing what tests can be done on site efficiently)
Day observation rooms
Inpatient Facility
Emergency Room etc.
As the Clinic opens and evolves it is planned in time to have a maternity unit also
A quick recap of our what our current services will be to the Residents of Solai and Surrounding Communities
# Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week ( with a doctor on call Christmas day )
# Out Patient Services
# Lab Services
# Maternal Child Health
# Therapy
# Counselling
# HIV/AIDS care ,
# Mobile Medical Out Reach's & Clinic
# ECG / Ultrasound
# Home visits Palliative care to the infirm , elderly and people suffering terminal illness .
Le Cheile Heath Care plan enables all in the Community Access to Health Care on their Door Step regardless of ones means.
Partnership opportunity...
We are looking for a sponsor, corporate, partnership or otherwise to link up with our Health Clinic as we have for our other projects enabling it move on to the next level seamlessly ensuring the best quality of care to all in the Community continues regardless of ones means..
If interested in ensuring heath care is available to all help ie bring it to the next level drop us a message here or contact us via email
Day Centre Officially opened in Feb 2020
It has grown to becoming a beacon of hope to the families of Children with additional needs Come so far in such a short space of time hasn't been easy but we got through a very hard few year where restrictions the world over affected us all...
A dream made reality thanks to the help of all the Whistle team, All this is 100% free to all who attend ensuring no barriers are in place making sure it’s available to all whose needs acquire the use of this amazing Centre Currently 20 kids come on a daily basis plus 18 more who come during midterm / holidays etc. as they have progressed on to Specialist schools another step towards completing the circle of education.
Also we also continue to access new kids regularly on their suitably and need to attendDaycare Centre we actually have a waiting list, Over the next few years we want to maintain daily Attendances to 25/ 30 children as they say slowly slowly on a phased basis as each new child takes them 8 weeks at least to settle in and feel at home here..
A lot would never have been outside the front door of their home seeing strangers , the vast country side .Need I say it a white person, be in transport ie Car .(Minibus So it's important we take it very very slowly not to overwhelm them allowing them all the time they need to settle in. We were delighted to have All the Whistle team visited us again 2024 to see how this project is running 1st hand and do a major upgrade on site .
What is Our Daycare Centre It's a home from home for these Children many of whom would have been locked in a room all day long.. on investigation most not out of neglect but necessity to enable their parents / grandparents find work to feed the family .That's a fact that we found very hard to get our head around that these kids had no sense of freedom, life while there family was at work or School...
A lot suffering from malnutrition as fed Ugali and whatever else was available to eat .This diet an adult can survive on but lacks all the vital nutritional vitamins for a child to grow and develop. Hence a lot of malnutrition cases which sadly we have seen over the last few years can lead to deaths if not treated in time.. Worse more malnutrition in kids generally is on the rise here due to the hardship of survival get that one meal a day. I DO MEAN THAT ONE MEAL A DAY IF LUCKY.
Step forward to today into the Daycare Kids are fine and healthy no malnutrition cases. Have a stable healthy diet 5 days a week in the Daycare centre also their families are supported with food via our food security program ensuring all the family benefit from eating healthy.. Kids are taught basic everyday tasks How to eat .hold a cup. Toilet train them, get them ready to move to main stream school where possible By teaching them the basics i.e. counting , alphabet., identifying shapes, colours,animals etc. All ready It gives them a full education pathway to being self sustainable living a free life as an adult now that's a future for a child unti Our Daycare opened they never left a locked room or went outside their front door .
Then there are other kids who will always need care 24/7 such is there disability but here we are working hard on improving their overall quality of life.
The bonus seeing them smile amazing what love and care can do... A Centre where one’s ability is nourished given the opportunity to Grow . Ability Not Disability
Zeus Zero Graze Farm
A bit of information below on
Zeus Zero Graze Farm Training Unit. And farm in general
This project was fast tracked in 2020 due to the needs of the community and Le Cheile's push to get that step closer to self-sustainability brought on by the restrictions imposed the world over on our ability to fundraise etc. .
One of our successful stories of the last few years the support in getting this project up and running initially getting cows sponsored support has been amazing moving on to this year to a new specially cow unit being built Sponsored by Zeus
On that note who are Zeus
But before we start we are ever so grateful for the continued support of the Brian O Sullivan , family and Zeus.
Founded by Brian O'Sullivan who won EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2021 in the International category. Since 1998, Brian has grown a one man agricultural packaging operation into a global business which employs 700 employees in 26 countries .An Irish privately opened company.
Zeus Zero Graze Farm a bit of info here on what it actually is and does
Training days in our Zeus Zero graze Farm in Conjunction with the Kenyan, Nakuru County Division Agricultural Department
Also Aided by our local Village Chiefs who helped us set up this training day and spread the word among the community..
We have held numerous training days so far to date
A typical days training day shows the benefits of Zero Grazing’s 1st hand, Using Maize Silage , Napier Grass where ones milk yield per cow increases with no additional costs
Also the Cows welfare is greatly improved no walking miles for food and water, along with the risk of picking up local diseases.
There is also advice given on feed supplements, Animal welfare, medicines and environmental benefits of Zero grazing. Even how to make your own cattle/ cow feed economically.
This training also showed the benefits of growing Maize that has been proven to Drought resistant and less prone to diseases.. Increasing the farmer’s crop which is a win win all-round.
As we know the Maize harvest overall in Solai last season has been very poor so this year we ploughed locals farms giving them quality seed all in the hope to help them move out of extreme poverty and get them a better price for their produce via our COOP trial movement.
Maize is the main stable food here in Kenya so having a good crop is vital to a family’s survival. Its on ongoing struggle by the looks of it food security wise another challenge for us.
Also on a training day one gets a tour of the Zeus Zero graze Farm ,where they see Zero grazing in action , cows being fed by maize silage, Napier grass, hay etc ,
They also got to witness one of our main projects in growing Tomatoes when in season which to date we are glad to say has turned a profit giving employment to up to 30 plus additional people per week over the course of a tomatoes season .. Going forward we will grow tomatoes as part of our crop rotation exercise on an ongoing basis in turn will empower the community and move Le Cheile another step closer to self-sustainability To enable this we rent land locally .
We are in the process of Opening our New Chicken and Pig Unit in 2024
Over the last year our Goats have also gone to a Zero Graze model better for animal welfare and the environment also.
Over 1000 plus Native African trees are planted on this Farm including
fruit trees ie Bananas, Avocado, Passion fruit, Oranges, Clementine’s, Pawpaw and Mango.
We really work hard on protecting our environment and will continue to implement best practices to ensure this is always achieved..
Not all rosy may we add. over the few years we lost 2 cows and 2 calves one cow during child birth we had to do am emergency C section but sadly mother and calf didn't make it... it shock up and broke our heart as these cows are family each named given, know their names highly intelligent loving animals a lovely quality of live .they even have classical and Kenyan music played to them daily .They seem to chill and really relax when the music is on its sight to behold.
But it’s a labour of love working with Cows, animals they become part of our family and you can see
It in how they interact act with the Farm workers and visitors alike.
But do need these additional cows . A cow could set you back at least €1800 up to €2500 that a high Pedigree cow / heifer bred for high yield milk supply.
This is what we are after in the immediate to short term so it's something we are always looking for support if you can help us get this extra cows sooner than later ..
We urgently need Cows who will give us with additional milk that is so badly required by the community to survive have a balanced health diet avoiding cases of childhood malnutrition cases.
Maize and beans grown on our Farm and rented land are also used in Whistle Daycare centre and Wesley's Munch Soup Kitchen as food costs have tripled in the last few months and continue to rise
The zero graze unit has 6 full time employees this number increases with our causal workers when harvest and planting season be it for Maize, Beans ,Tomatoes , etc That’s 30 additional plus workers .
So this unit empowers the community in so many ways.Now just our daily supply of Milk and eggs.
1st off a big thanks all in the Bons Secours Mount Desert Community Care initiative Fund for their very kind donation towards Rainbow Haven Safe House especially Fr Dwayne Gavin for his support and work making this grant possible along Kay O Mahony. Now forgetting John Mul.. Asanta Sana
What is Rainbow Haven?
Another project that evolved from needs of the community to our dismay Mary and Derry we were having ladies /families coming to them running for Safety from domestic violence issues some were fearing for their Lives at all times of the say mainly at night time..
So naturally they gave them a safe place to stay till they figured out how they could help.
From here this is where Rainbow Haven was born from Thanks to Mary's vision with the amazing support of Billy Desmond. Bernard Lynch in keeping this project up and running as felt it was wise to put structures in place to help these ladies long-term not just give them a place to stay for a night or 2 and see them on their way again.
It opened officially on June 1st 2021 a very low key event publicly but more importantly awareness of the Centre passed through the community via community elders, leaders, Chiefs and churches that Rainbow Haven is now here to help all who may require it services.
Every person who attends Rainbow Haven does so confidentiality in every aspect of their time in this program be it a safe place to stay .bi- weekly meeting, counseling etc...
So please note this in turn does limit the photos etc. we can share publicly.
Who runs this program?
Billy Desmond – Clinical and Service consultant and supervisor
Billy Desmond will be supporting the Le Cheile Africa team who are working with women who have experienced trauma. . Billy is an experienced psychotherapist, clinical supervisor, educator and researcher. He is core faculty on the MA in Gestalt Psychotherapy at the Gestalt Institute of Ireland and validated by Carlow Institute of Technology Ireland and a visiting lecturer in other institutes in USA and England.
Mary Kigo is the person who will implement services on the ground and has actively in her career been working on Human rights issues, AIDS/HIV and gender based violence. Mary has volunteered and worked all her life in the pursuit of equality for all .From being a Field Coordinator, setting up a Community based origination and implementing the goals for
10 years. She has expertise in organizing Education programs on HIV / TB
Our doctor will offer medical care including initial trauma counselling from cases of domestic violence at the clinic plus also attends Rainbow Haven for private consultation where required.
Rainbow Haven will Provided a 24hr call centre to the community for those dealing with a gender violence situation..
The project will be a walk – in center enabling victims have access to help when needed 24 hours a day 7 days a week. With fulltime security on site also 24/7 for added security ease of mind for those availing of this service.
Liaising with the local administration office through referrals from the local administration office, church leaders and village elders
This education Program has evolved from the needs we found around us of Children in early 2020 who needed support to attend school for various reasons, we are externally grateful to have just over 50 Children’s education sponsored for 2022 and beyond. .
Currently looking for sponsorship for another 10 more children who are badly in need of support .
It's not just about education it’s about improving the child's quality of life i.e. access to a stable diet every child gets fed at school.
Also get a chance to escape their home life as some come from very troubled homes
An example of a few of the issues these Children experience.
Patents Alcoholics.
Discarded by their parents now looked after by elderly Grandparents
Suffering Malnutrition from unstable diet
Live in extreme poverty
Some live in a one room mud hut with up to 8 members of their family before this sponsorship spend all their days scrapping looking for food .
This sponsorship in our Education Support Program gives the children the opportunity to be kids again .a chance to dream and hopefully via education break this vicious cycle of poverty..
But it’s even more than that. It’s a chance to help rebuild the whole family where possible
Work with the parents who are struggling due to addictions and hopefully where possible get them on a new path in life.
We give them food support via our food security program/ Wesley’s Munch soup Kitchen and Dave’s Diner where necessary.
We currently transport 16 children on daily basis by collecting and returning them from school 5 days a week ensuring every stone is removed to allow them attend school every day.
A few of the Children in this Program we have moved to boarding due to the harshness of there home life ..
So hopefully we find a few more people will come forward and Sponsor a child we said we have identified another 10 children who would really benefit from this sponsorship .
Just to note sponsorship Fee are €40 a month ( 60 for boarding) a few of our present Children attend different schools and there fees are more expensive but its €40 a month to give a child the chance to dream again the opportunity to be the best they can be..
We work with one private school for 90% plus of the children in this program "Teachers Roses Academy" which is also the number one school in last few years t end of year results for this Area as it was the year before ..
We are also delighted to say there overall outlook on education is brilliant getting every child to reach their full potential whatever that may be ..
So if you or you know someone who might be interested in joining this amazing group of people and sponsoring a child just pm, or whatsapp us +353833017590
As one of the greats men that every worked for equality freedom said
Every Child deserves the opportunity to have access to Education and that is the sole purpose of this program
"For every 5 people in the world one is without a home... impacting a family for generations isn’t no easy task. What is important to know is that proper housing impacts every aspect of life; improving health, advancing education, reducing crimes against women and children and strengthening community"
Rebuild a home, Rebuild a life project was born after many deliberations on how best we can change a life by lifting them out of poverty. We have seen firsthand the effects of poverty on children and entire family. A better life comes when we, the ones who have, are willing to sacrifice a little to leave a lasting impact on disadvantaged families and children caught in the cycle of poverty. And nothing has a larger impact on a person than learning something new (trainings) so, together we trust that you will impact many people and change the direction for families, women, and children caught in generational poverty.
Best of all, you will have the satisfaction that comes only when you have done something for someone else, especially a stranger. When you give you are providing us an opportunity to go where many will not go and teach men and women how to improve their lives and the lives of their children.
There can be no greater gift than to share with someone what we have and what we know. Especially if the person has no hope of receiving it on their own. A house that replaces a shack transforms a family’s opportunities. They now have a place to generate an income, educate their children, and feel secure. With security comes improved health, especially for their children and safety against being exposed.
Join us in this mission in as we help more vulnerable families living in extreme poverty build their lives out of poverty. You and I can do it together.. It’s very simple.
For each home we need a donor / Sponsor to come on board to cover the cost of a home as it’s a standalone project we only proceed once funds are in place.
We are always evolving and learning from each build in doing so, we can improve each project from analyzing them to date with a lot of ups and along the way.
Plus going forward where possible each family will be requested to contribute towards their home a nominal affordable fee or manpower whichever is most suitable
This will ensure house is built swiftly and no resources are wasted...
Initially working on traditional building methods has really affected our time lime and costs a learning curve but alas we are always learning on ways to give families a better quality home while keeping the budget as affordable as possible to our sponsors/donors
All homes going forward will be built with stone 2 bedrooms, living room come kitchen plus a pit lantern (Toilet) and wash room built separately.
As well we are helping them furnish their new Home but there is a separate budget for this that will be needed to be Sponsored also .And will work with family on how best to help them exit extreme poverty with a simple sustainable project that suits them..
Rebuild A Home Rebuild A Life
To date we have 7 homes built on this project all in various buildings methods.
The 1st Home was in 2020 Sponsored by Tim Morley @Abbey Mobility
This family have really progress from this home.. This home was the start of this amazing project and it really has improved the lives of everyone in the family..
The 2nd and 3rd were completed in 2021 Sponsored anonymously whose support we really appreciate..
The homes look fab and really have had a very positive impact on these families’ lives. Both these families have now exited our support network and are self-sustainable the ultimate goal..
The 4th which was our last mud home .This home is sponsored by Damien McCauley of AMC Developments Ltd
This family really benefited from this home all lived in a one room mud house dire conditions...
The 5th home Sponsored by Fiona Milligan/ Owen and family .The 1st of our stone homes a lot learnt on this one but must say worth it all in the end. This home was built for Sharon and family, gave them All a new beginning in every aspect of life.. We still work closely with this family in their daily ongoing challenges to move on in life.
The 6th home is Sponsored by Maria and Patrick Farrell and family .This home has been built for Nyderito and Kamau ( who currently live with us) but as they transition the move home / Timeline unknown as boys have witnessed a lot of turmoil in their life to date and are still recovering emotionally from same. But in the meantime it is home to their parents and 2 siblings really improving the quality of life for everyone.
The 7th Home we again evolved our Building style still a stone house / 2bedroom etc. but getting better value for our Euro ,This home was Sponsored By Bill Duffy ,But in this process Bill also bought the site which will accommodate up to 5 Homes in Total Aka “ Billy Duffy Estate” , This Home has gone to a lady who sadly came through our Rainbow Haven program but is now well and truly on her way to a better life for herself and her Children .
What an achievement so far 7 families sleeping in comfort bettering there overall quality of life a project that really has an immediate positive impact on the family once they move into their new Home
Currently (May 2024) Our 8th Home is in the process of being built more details in due course
This home is being sponsored by Lottie
If this project interests you just pm us or contact us via WhatsApp +353833017590
Friends Of Le Cheile Africa Water Project
Le Cheile Africa water Project has evolved over 2023 from our Dry Season project in Solai which was set up and funded Thanks to a Kind Donation From The Sisters Of Bon’s Secours Ireland
To the Drilling Construction of our Bore Hole in Sigito Solai
Miracles do come true
Water Truly Is Life
Dream it
Believe it
Make it a reality
Together everything is possible
Water Project Sigito Solai
Words just words we always say/ type but alas we have made it a reality thank to the amazing support, belief so many people.
This project was set as a long term project goal to have completed by 2028/30
It began with a conversation with Peter O Donoghue, John Twomey, John mul in mid/ late 2022 from here Friends of Le Cheile Africa Water Project was born (as they say d rest is history)
After a meeting or 2, or more
One meeting I sat in on in person in 2022 funds started to roll in, it was decided to invest same in maize and beans which in turn made a Tidy wee profit and borehole survey, test began along with obtaining a license for same..
Then John Twomey and Jim Culliane came to visit us on the ground here in May
They saw, they analyzed it all and before we knew it 6 weeks later bore hole was drilled 205m deep, lined etc. ..
They were/ are the driving force behind this project.
Water tested over 20,000L plus an hour from same which allows us pump 16,000L an hour as per license we have obtained.
Next challenge was to fund solar panels pump, tanks, piping over 2km of it and that’s just inside our wee farm
From here A few members of Friends of Le Cheile Africa Water Project jump in behind us and personally (ye know who ye are thank you thank you so much) helped us get a big big step closer to getting panels pumps, tanks etc. sorted.
Then EPS of Mallow like a vision agreed to sponsor the pump almost there.. Their advice and guidance here was invaluable also endless mails to ensure right system was / is in place .
We were delighted and were looking at mid to late 2024 to complete the process.. Happy out we were our plans over 4 years ahead...
Then Our hiking buddies from Ireland came for a few days holidays in September more like work all go go. From this Damo aka AMC Developments and Ben aka Dublin stevedores Ltd came on board and helped us complete installation of Borehole pump, solar, meter etc. Yes yes we were almost there.
We were still working on the final piece of the jigsaw i.e. piping as our budget had to change as water temperature ex borehole is 38degrees plus so alas we discovered a stronger more durable gauge of pipe was required.. I.e. more expensive (a lot more).
Then the November 23 crew arrived alas including the Scrap Kings who with donations from there amazing supporters got us across the line
Piping in..2 x taps inside gate free water to public daily where currently over 10,000L daily is distributed
Water connected to clinic Wesley's Munch Soup Kitchen and Dave’s Diner, Rainbow Haven plus toilets along with fresh running water to Zeus Zero graze training farm..
Not forgetting our ongoing supporters who also played a big part in making all this possible ensuring we were able to keep the show on the rd. as they say with all this major, technical Development ongoing..
Was a really testing trying process
This development will ensure the community has access to clean drinking water all the year around, everyday but more importantly in dry season when usually folks here have to walk over 4 to 6k to fetch water ( if it's there at all ) and after all that probably not clean or safe to drink.
That's making a real difference in real lives access to clean drinking water in their community 365 days a year..
Wesley’s Munch Soup Kitchen & Dave’s Diner
Wesley’s Munch Soup Kitchen & Daves Diner was officially Launched on June 27th 2022 By Tadgh Mc McMahon and Shane Crowley as Part of Hakuna Matata week 2022, both very Good Friends Of Wesley Carey and Dave Johnson whom this project is named after in their Memory. It’s a tribute to the amazing heart both these best Friends had in caring giving and compassion to urpisly build kitchen others in Ireland
What is Wesley's Munch Soup Kitchen and Dave’s Diner one might ask?
We started out in a rented tent initially then evolved to a fab purposely Built Kitchen in 2023
All who avail of this service are picked by Village Elders, Chiefs ensuring those who need support most get it ,
Wesley's Munch Soup Kitchen feeds 500 people 3 days a week... (That’s 1500 meals a week @ €0.50 a meal that's €600 a week)
We start preparing food at 8.30am to have ready for distribution by 4pm...
We distribute food between 4pm and 6pm on these days .it's really is all hands on deck cooking for 500 plus people no easy task on an open fire.
It is working a treat with one member of each family collecting food on the family's behalf. All families have been identified by local elders and chiefs and get a card which states name of family, how many members etc. This is produced each day they come to collect food and are marked off our book once food is collected i.e. like a roll call...
On top of this we send food also to very vulnerable family's in Solai itself 3 times a week families are really really struggling along with feeding additional stragglers everyday also.
It also has become a social meeting point for the elderly where they come to eat / chat 3 times a week,
Sadly some family's won't eat anything worthwhile (just have tea and bread if they’re very lucky) till the next Soup Kitchen a sad fact of life for many. Hunger, poverty is so real it’s actually heart-breaking to witness it daily
All funds have been raised by The Scrap Kings (Now Plastic Recycling also) Tadgh, William, John family and friends With this ongoing support we are able to continue this Service to the community in Making a Real Difference in Real Lives Daily ,Saving Lives . FACT
As the Project grows long term the aim in time is to help families move that step closer in exiting extreme poverty even becoming self-sustainable.
Community Based Projects
Katelyn’s Playground .
Le Cheile Africa Community Playgroud Funded by Fiona .Owen and Family
Here are the words Of Fiona on how important this playground is to Fiona and family
Dreams really do come true 💖
Opening day was very special
More beautiful than I could of wished for.
To see the children that I have grown to love playing, happy and smiling was the most beautiful blessing. I can’t describe it. I adore these children. The difficulties they face everyday can never be described or shown in pictures. They can never be justified either. It’s sickening. There is no need for the level of human suffering. But this is a positive post and a beautiful post and I’ll stay focused on that!
The joy and excitement the playground brought to the children today was immeasurable. Its there forever now to bring happiness to their lives today and in the future.
All for our daughter Katelyn 💖
For all our babies and children who left us too soon. Our angels 💕
Thank you so much to everyone who donated towards the playground.
Each and every one of you thank you a million times over 💖
Thank you to all of you who got in touch with me to share your story of your angel or to share kind and supportive words with me….
We are not alone.
Never stop dreaming of a better world 💖
In a world where you can be anything,
Be Kind 💖
Empowerment program as Mary guides youths, mainly girls on life style changes opportunities as sadly statics state over 70% of girls in Rural Kenya by the time they are 18 are either pregnant / married pushing then into a life of poverty, no hope or chance to fulfill their dreams
Tree Planting in rainy season to date we have planted over 5000 trees (over 3000 odd growing healthily) aim for 2024/25 is to match this if funds allow.. €5 will cover the cost of 5 trees.. Remember for every 5 planted on average 2 will survive such is the harshness of the climate here
Sport for all program continues to evolve and is now more club based as we support local clubs /Schools who are now functioning away independently with our support in the background
Mentorship day s.
Let’s give you an Insight into our new mentorship days for all the children in our education support program especially the Children who all attend Teachers Roses Academy.
These days will be held on average twice a month
It’s a day of fun, chat laughter and deep conversation into the challenges these Children face ,From hunger, a bed ,Domestic issues , Sanitary Towels /underwear and how we can put measures where possible in place together to better there day to day lives
May 9th 2018 Solai Dam Disaster
This is where we mention our Hero Mary who saved many a life when the dam disaster struck on that faithful night here in Solai .
Mary was awarded an HSC award for her efforts on that faithful night which she accepted as she says herself on behalf of everyone who rallied that night to save many lives the people community of Solai..
Rather than write and write on it here are a few a link to that night
A link into my mindset at the time.
If links don't open just copy them into Google and they will Open from there
Be that hero in someone's life. Be the difference..